This page includes links to selected reviews and articles which discuss Talbot works.
Additional links will be added as time permits.
-- Jonathan Talbot, 2008

Piecing Things Together
a review by Benjamin Genocchio which appeared in The New York Times in 2008

"Jonathan Talbot: Selected Works 1983-1993" at Donskoj & Company, Kingston, NY
a review by Raymond J. Steiner which appeared in Art Times in 1993.

a review by Rich O'Corozine which appeared in The Huguenot & Highland Herald in 1993.

Collage of Conscience
a profile which appeared in Orange Magazine in 1989

"Large Patrin," an exhibit at USC Sumter in Sumter, SC
a review by Jane G. Collins which appeared in The Item, Sumter, SC in 2004.

12 Artist-Teachers Take Paper in Hand
an article by Bess Liebenson which appeared in The New York Times in 1999

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